Are you or a loved one currently undergoing or have you recently undergone treatment for stroke? You don’t have to go through it alone. Valley Baptist Medical Center in Harlingen offers the “H.O.P.E.” (Haven Offering Patient Encouragement)
Stroke Support Group for stroke patients, family members and caregivers.
H.O.P.E. Stroke Support Group meetings act as a source of discussion and education. Meetings vary in content, but have previously consisted of stroke prevention tips, inspirational survivor stories and even fun and games!
Meetings are held monthly, and are free and open to the public. They are generally held on the third Tuesday of each month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in VBMC—Harlingen’s Woodward Conference Center (South Tower Entrance). To register for an upcoming
meeting or for more information, please contact Tanmei Dang at (956) 389-1681 or [email protected].
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