Endovascular Neurology
When every second counts, advanced neurosurgical treatment options can help reduce the magnitude of a stroke’s impact on a patient and can help decrease the recovery phase. That’s where endovascular neurosurgery comes in. This advanced treatment option is performed at Valley Baptist by one the nation’s leading endovascular surgeons, Dr. Ameer Hassan.
Endovascular treatment for stroke is a procedure in which a neurologist threads a catheter through an artery in the groin to the blocked artery in the brain and utilizes specialized equipment to attempt to remove the clot, as defined by the American Stroke Association. This then allows for a longer time window for acute stroke treatment in patients.
Endovascular neurosurgery is an advanced method of treating blood vessel disorders in the brain. And, this treatment has its advantages, which include:
- Being used, as needed, before surgery to help reduce the risk of excess bleeding or complications
- Decreased risks for patients with other medical conditions
- Decreased stress on the heart
- Decreased discomfort for the patient
- Minimized incisions on the patient
- Reduced recovery period
In addition to endovascular procedures, physicians also treat ischemic strokes by administering tissue plasminogen activator (IV-tPA), which can work to dissolve the clot and improve blood flow to the stroke-effected part of the brain.
One condition is that the medication must be given as soon as possible – within 3- to 4-1/2 hours from the start of symptoms of a possible stroke.
To learn more about endovascular neurology and treatment programs at the Valley Baptist Neuroscience Institute, please call us at (956) 389-3600 or visit us at: https://valleyinstituteofneuroexcel.com/