Valley Baptist Medical Center-Harlingen

Helping Our Neighbors

We may treat illnesses and ailments, but that’s not all we do. Valley Baptist Health System also provides support for our surrounding community with free and low-cost services. It’s about promoting health, fitness and wellness for everyone.

Health Screenings

Valley Baptist holds many screenings throughout the year at a number of locations and events. These include free and low-cost screenings for stroke, cholesterol, diabetes, triglycerides, blood pressure, body mass index and more.

To find a wellness event near you, please call toll-free (855) 720-7448.

Local Partnerships

We’re committed to helping businesses in our local community by providing specialized services to enhance relationships with employees. For more information, call (956) 389-1951.

Giving Back

Valley Baptist Medical Center firmly believes in the support of our community and the many nonprofit organizations that provide many valuable and much needed services.

Organizations we’ve supported include: