Palliative Care Services
Providing Comfort When It’s Needed Most
At Valley Baptist Palliative Care, our goal is to improve the quality of life for our patients by providing the upmost comfort and care. We focus on the relief of pain and other symptoms of serious and/or longterm illness.
We encourage our patients and their families to participate in decisions regarding ongoing care and pain management.
Rather, Valley Baptist Palliative Care is a medical specialty that focuses on the relief of pain and other symptoms of serious illness. Our goal is to improve the quality of life for our patients and their families.
Our palliative care team offers you:
- Time for close communication about your illness and treatment choices
- Expert management of pain and other symptoms
- Help navigating the health care system
- Guidance with difficult and complex treatment choices
- Emotional and spiritual support for you and your family
- Coordination of your care among all your health care providers
- Referral and coordination of home care services suited to your needs, such as rehab or hospice
Remember that palliative care:
- Is appropriate at any point in a serious illness
- Can be provided at the same time as curative treatment
- Is covered by most insurance, including Medicare and Medicaid
Palliative Care Services
In addition to pain and symptom management, we offer:
- Doctor-directed care
- In-house and in-patient health care coordinated by registered nurses
- Medical social services
- Registered nurse-supervised home health aides
- Specially trained hospice volunteers
- Bereavement counseling
- Chaplaincy services for spiritual support
- Therapy services
- Medical supplies
- in finding and using community resources
Learn More
Valley Baptist Palliative Care can take place at the same time all your other treatments are happening, so you don’t need to wait. Pain and stress have a negative effect on you and your family — let us help.
For more information about Valley Baptist Palliative Care services, call Valley Baptist—Brownsville at (956) 698-5828, Valley Baptist—Harlingen at (956) 389-1285, or email us.